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 terra's moves

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Posts : 5
Village : Aurnion
Join date : 2010-09-27
Bloodline Ability : water world,fire flash and white energy of the keys
Reputation : 0

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PostSubject: terra's moves   terra's moves I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 27, 2010 10:03 pm

Level 1 Command Styles

* Critical Impact: An exclusive powerful Command Style for Terra that utilizes slow, but heavy hits to their maximum. Activated by filling the Command Gauge with physical-based commands.The finisher of this Command Style is Terra jumping in the air, charging energy and slamming his Keyblade into the ground. The impact creates a huge shockwave. This was named "Fatal Mode" in the Japanese release.
* Thunderbolt: A swift Command Style that unleashes powerful lightning upon attacks. Activated by filling the Command Gauge with Thunder-based commands. The finisher consists of the user summoning a ball of light over his or her Keyblade then thrusting his Keyblade into it causing multiple lightning bolts to come out of the energy ball and raining down on enemies.
* Firestorm: A ranged and versatile Command Style that focuses the Keyblade to erupt in flames while attacking. Activated by filling the Command Gauge with Fire-based commands. This was named "Fire Blazer" in the Japanese release. The finisher consists of the user jumping in the air, charging energy, and hurling a fireball that erupts into multiple pillars of flame.
* Diamond Dust: An ice-based Command Style that seems to specialize in crowd-control and dealing with multiple enemies, named after the common attack of the Blizzard-based summon Shiva from the Final Fantasy series. Activated by filling the Command Gauge with Ice-based commands. The finisher consists of the user summoning a surrounding ice formation that shatters after a certain time and damages enemies.
* Frozen Fortune: Another ice-based Command Style that uses an ice cream theme. Randomly activated by filling the Command Gauge with an Ice Cream item. The finisher consists of the user summoning multiple balls of ice that shatter after certain time and damages enemies. This was called "Ice Blast"

Level 2 Command Styles

* Rock Breaker: Activated by filling the Style Gauge with Mine-based (including Brutal Blast) or Blade commands. A powerful and long-ranged Command Style that works best on the ground. The finisher of this Command Style is basically Terra summoning three large earth crystals from the ground and sending them to damage enemies.
* Bladecharge: Activated by filling the Style Gauge with Fire-based, Ice-based or Strike commands. In this Command Style, the Keyblade resembles a purple sword. A long-ranged style, with a finisher consisting of Terra spinning the blade to hit surrounding enemies, and then smashing it into the ground.
* Dark Impulse: A Command Style in which Terra summons the power of darkness to attack enemies. A versatile Command Style that hits enemies with slow, heavy attacks, but also exhibits long-range projectile attacks. Activated by filling the Style Gauge with Dark- and Gravity-based commands. The finisher consists of Terra hiding in his shadow, appearing under his enemy perform an uppercut with a dark claw. This command activates instantly when you battle Master Eraqus. Due to his connections to Terra, the new Xehanort can also use Dark Impulse during his battles with Aqua and the Lingering Sentiment. The name of this Command Style is shared with one of Riku's Duel Sleights in Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories.

Super Nurture Sharingan- the sharingan control any thing that try to kill space,planets and the universe

terra's moves Supereternalmongekyousharingan_2

summing demon-demon will help me battle hoping that energy around the universe help

terra's moves Dark_a10

Rank 2:forever god that control the human souls and body's around the battle

terra's moves Androi10

dark lord

25%-cut off all darkness in my side terra's moves Anime_Emo_Boy_2

50%-control light power in my power
terra's moves 1133111029_ke_smaller

75%-make me know what my foes know terra's moves Anime-1

100%-make any types of energy can help me for heath terra's moves Anime2

sonic boom- cd that that take out foes energy

sword cut-sword will cut any thing in half

spinning bullet- bullet that hit foes 57% damge

sonic wave-blow foes out oof they feet when thing is not good

flame bullet- brun foes 25% of fire

Bloody Twister-black hole that take blood when using it

Wave Eye-this justu broke foes out of the world and put them in they world

Agni Pentacle-orbs that suck energy from the earth

broke stone:

terra's moves Organi10
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